Seeing is not a grasping, but a releasing
Everything in life is subjected to constant classification and division by the mind.
The mind is ever relating things according to its systems. Nothing is ever allowed to simply be as it is.
This classification includes the “good and bad” spectrum but does not end there. It is vast and complex. The mind projects this classification upon the world and proceeds to interact with it, the system, rather than the experience itself.
When things are apprehended directly as they are, their luminous and unconditioned nature shines through.
However, the classifications of the mind are themselves luminous and conditioned things.
If we can simply cease clenching, we can see. Seeing is not a grasping, but a releasing.
Relax the mind so it can witness its own true nature as emptiness, like limitless space filled which resonant love.
This nature is ever present and indestructible. It requires no action on your part. You are at liberty to “fall into it” at this very moment. It will catch you.
You are its precious child.
Even if you don’t see it right now, that is OK.
You remain its precious child and in no way will you wander outside of its sheltering love.