The Uncreated
The potential is greater than the actual.
The potential contains the actual.
Potential is not lost, whether it is actualized or not.
Whatever might be, must be.
This is because there is nothing to resist or obstruct potential itself.
Whatever is possible must be.
Time and space are the pathways of possibilities coming into being.
However, eternity and limitless space are themselves incidental curiosities within Potential.
Potential is like limitless, empty space but infinitely more subtle and immediately present.
Pure potentiality, the possibility of all things, appears as nothingness. This is because it is the ground of experience.
This apparent Nothingness is pure Being.
Being and Nothingness are of the same nature.
When all particular created things are removed, Being remains.
Pure Being appears as nothingness to our perception, because our perception is limited or constrained. The horizon of Truth is so vast, and yet so immediately present, that we continually mistake particulars for truth.
We mistake the limits of our perceptive horizon as the limits of Being, however, Being has no limits.
Particulars are always polarities. Without polarity, there is no form. Or, better yet: form is the manifestation of polarity.
The world of creation is pairs of opposites.
There is no escaping these pairs via further conditioning.
Only the dropping away of conditioning reveals the Unconditioned Being immediately.
The root distinction in creation is between the poles. We can call the absolute poles spirit and matter. This is only useful as a mental operation to free up our minds to witness immediately the Unconditioned.
The key is to continually remember that all distinctions remain in the realm of perishable half-truth, while Unconditioned Being remains infinitely present right now.
The Beauty of immediate Being resounds.
The usefulness in philosophical structures is not in their truth, but in their ability to satisfy the seeking intellect, so it may rest and begin finding direct engagement with Being.
We are ourselves the mediator between spirit and matter.
Our nature is consciousness. There is none other besides our own nature which reveals itself to itself.
Eliminate the subject and object from the above.
More correctly, our nature is Love.
Love fills Nothingness with beings for its own inscrutable reasons which we may accept with great appreciation.
Consciousness is pure awareness, which resolves the pairs of opposites in itself, but Love is original awareness which manifests because It is Good.
We should therefore rest more confidently in our own being and that of the universe.
These things are discoverable, each for themselves. Any way you turn the light of your witnessing, you find the evidence of them written there.
All these descriptions are limited in their form. They are fingers pointing at the moon.
All forms are conditioned; however, such conditioning is just an inconsequential artifact of Unconditioned Being.
Conditioning is unreal, yet painful, like a terrifying nightmare.
Potential itself remains at all times present.
Love and Potential are one. Wherein is there a distinction between Love and Potential?
Both are uncreated and therefore perfectly, beautifully present at this moment now.